Fablehaven: Keys to the Demon Prison by Brandon Mull

Characters: 19/19
Plot: 20/20
Originality: 19/19
Writing: 18/20
Recommendation: 20/20
Overall: 96/100 or A
Source: Library

Summary: After many centuries of plotting, the Sphinx–leader of the Society of the Evening Star– is after the final artifacts needed to open the great demon prison, Zzyxx. Kendra, Seth, and the Knights of the Dawn are in a race to strange and exotic preserves across the globe in an effort to intercept the final artifacts. The stakes have never been higher. The risks have never been more deadly as the forces of light and darkness collide at last.
Review: Wow, what a way to end the series! Brandon Mull must be proud of his masterpiece because I’m sure many readers were absolutely satisfied with this fifth and final book. I certainly was. 😉 The ever building excitement of the series reached it’s climax and blew away all doubts of a weak ending. I wouldn’t want to give anything away to those unlucky ones who haven’t had the chance to read Fablehaven yet, so I won’t say too much more. 
I was hyped up and also kind of melancholy after finishing the series. It definitely earned a place in my heart along with a few other memorable reads. I will look onward with continued passion as the author’s next series The Beyonders captures my attention. I have loved reading Fablehaven and I am sure will enjoy it again and again in the future. Thank you, Brandon, for a much wanted dose of inspiration.

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