The People of Sparks (Ember #2) by Jeanne DuPrau

Characters: 18/20
Plot: 20/20
Originality: 19/20
Writing: 18/20
Recommendation: 20/20
Overall: 95/100 or A
Source: Borrowed from Grandma :)

Summary: When Lina and Doon lead their people up from the underground city of Ember, they discover a surface world of color and life. The people of a small village called Sparks agree to help the Emberites, but the villagers have never had to share their world before. Soon differences between the two groups escalate, and it’s up to Lina and Doon to find a way to avoid war!
In the riveting sequel to the highly acclaimed The City of Ember, Jeanne DuPrau explores the nature of conflict and the strength and courage necessary to overcome it.

Review: The second installment of The Books of Ember series is a spectacular sequel to the first! I was completely hyped-up as I read it for the first time, but the second was even better. DuPrau adventures further into the realm of morals, leaving a satisfied reader with another clear message: War can bring nothing good and as easy as it is to achieve, it is hard to escape. I am absolutely fond of this book, zealous even. The People of Sparks is not just an awesome adventure, but a thought-provoking and fascinating novel too. It was mindfully written and should appeal to adults as well as kids.

When the people of Ember surfaced from their dying city at last, they were introduced to an entirely different world. Instead of the familiar darkness and electric lights of their underground home, they were faced with an abundance of color, nearly painful heat, and light that came from the sky. The people of Ember were welcomed to this new and terrifying world by a small village called Sparks. The people of Sparks invite the Emberites into their homes and even feed them in return for hard work. Together, the two groups of people are forced to work together to survive in the world, nearly driving themselves to the brink of war in the process.

While reading this spectacular series, I noticed a connection between the names of the two cities in the first and second book, Ember and Sparks. I believe the author was quite clever in devising these names. In the series, the city of Ember is a dying city, hence the name Ember. The Village of Sparks is only a beginning, destined to grow and prosper, almost like the spark of a fire soon to come. See the connection? 😉

Anyway, The People of Sparks is a fabulous read for those who are familiar The City of Ember. I recommend it to anyone who likes a good adventure, coupled with a strong moral.

DuPrau, Jeanne. (2004). The People of Sparks. New York: Yearling.

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