The Golem’s Eye by Jonathan Stroud
Publisher: Hyperion Books
Release Date: 2006
Image Source: Amazon
Other Titles in Series: The Amulet of Samarkand (#1), Ptolemy’s Gate (#3), The Ring of Solomon (prequel)
Characters- 20/20
Plot- 19/20
Writing- 19/20
Originality- 19/20
Recommendation- 20/20
Overall- 97/100 or A
Synopsis: At only fourteen, Nathaniel is a rising star: a young magician who is quickly climbing the ranks of the government. There is seemingly nothing he cannot handle, until he is asked to deal with the growing Resistance movement, which is disrupting London life with its thefts and raids. It’s no easy task: the ringleader Kitty and her friends remain elusive, and Nathaniel’s job — and perhaps his life — are soon at risk. As the pressure mounts, he is distracted by a new series of terrifying attacks in the capital. But is it the Resistance again, or something more dangerous still? To uncover the perpetrators, Nathaniel must take desperate measures: a journey to the enemy city of Prague and — worse — summoning once again the troublesome, enigmatic, and quick-witted djinni, Bartimaeus. Meanwhile, Kitty and her fellow rebels are planning their most daring exploit of all — one that will make their fortune and change the history of London forever.
A thrilling sequel to the best-selling Amulet of Samarkand, The Golem’s Eye is a roller-coaster ride of magic, adventure, and political skullduggery, in which the fates of Nathaniel, Bartimaeus, and Kitty explosively collide.
Review: The Golem’s Eye is a fantastic sequel to its predecessor; The Amulet of Samarkand. It could very well comprise the heart of the Bartimaeus Trilogy. The fast-paced turn of events invokes the childhood glee I used to experience during all my reading endeavors. I enjoyed the return the protagonist—the sharp-tongued djinni that everyone should now be familiar with. Nathaniel was portrayed as slightly more aggressive than the previous novels, and his ambitions have anything but waned.
Since The Golem’s Eye takes place a couple years after the events in Amulet, readers should note how character relationships have changed, along with the positions those characters now hold. Indeed, Nathaniel’s increased aggression is probably the result of his rise to power in the government. He now holds commoners as beneath him—Although, hasn’t he always? I found Nathaniel’s antics hilarious as he continually proves his arrogance. His yearning for fame and recognition is pitying at times.
The character that truly struck me the most was probably Kitty Jones. She is both valiant and rebellious, but for the right reasons. Her truthful character is strong, a blockade of fortitude built by her past. She understands the nature of the commoner’s position, and the many flaws in the dominance of the magicians in society. Kitty stands for what she believes in, and values her partners as both friends and comrades. I have more sympathy for her, than Nathaniel.
Also, the character Bartimaeus is becoming increasingly mysterious. As readers become more familiar with his humor and personality, they are undoubtedly curious about the djinni’s past. Maybe we’ll get some insight on these mysteries in the next book, Ptolemy’s Gate.
Overall Grade: A
The Golem’s Eye is a superb sequel to The Amulet of Samarkand. It is the cleverly engineered, second installment of the Bartimaeus Trilogy. Anyone should should love this, I definitely did. Readers should try to understand the motives behind both Kitty and Nathaniel. Finding out what drives them will lead to a richer experience while reading. Also, the perplexing mysteries of Bartimaeus are as great as ever, but one step closer to being solved. I bid you adieu and invite you to check out this excellent series (if you haven’t already).
Stroud, Jonathan. (2006) The Golem’s Eye. United States: Hyperion Books
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