The Art of Speaking with Style

The might of literature is far reaching and ever-prominent, although the spoken word harbors an unappreciated power. With the ability to immerse an audience in a lyrical and utterly mesmerizing spell, the human voice is an integral aspect of emotional communication. Varying degrees of subtlety can transform both cadence and diction, in turn weaving different stories and conveying greater emotion. There are three fundamental components to any decent speaker: authenticity, assertiveness, and perception.

Manipulation by means of eloquent speech is certainly possible, however the true strength of tongue arises in authenticity, or the honesty and integrity of the speaker. The bearer of a hidden agenda will find intrinsic weaknesses within his verbal expressions. The power to capture the minds of an audience is fairly easy, however capturing their hearts requires something more profound and much more personal. 

Robust language is an excellent compliment to a gentle rhythm. Securing the attention of listeners is a basic, yet vital step in conveyance, and is best accomplished through the use of an assertive technique. An audience responds to the stability and audibility of a voice, thereby giving the speaker leverage in his conquest of hearts. Words must be chosen with precision, each catered to implying a certain truth, or setting the stage for future engagements. Language must be considered the vessel of the speaker’s passion, and so each word must be advantageous to the cause. 

Mastering the art of speaking also requires a perceptive and versatile mind. Listeners can be quite fickle with their loyalty to even an assertive voice. Vigilance is required for any truly engaging communication, and the speaker must be able to perceive the emotional tide of an audience. As positive sentiment reinforces the fortitude of the speech itself, over-confidence could quickly become a deterrence, blinding the speaker, and resulting in a loss of control. This detrimental misstep can be avoided with awareness and a clear head. Likewise, perception will allow the reader to act in response to a grapple with ill sentiment. 

The most gratifying effect of an efficient speech is the success of determining an audience’s reaction. Understanding the intricacies of the human voice, and with proper mastering, its influence over the human psyche, is perhaps one of the more valuable assets to any charismatic speaker’s tool belt. And of course, having a cool voice like the next Morgan Freeman always helps. 

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One response to “The Art of Speaking with Style”

  1. Justice Lowman
    Justice Lowman

    Great article, it really hits some key points in speaking. It seems as though you are speaking of both Oratory and Persuasion. Oratory in that you are connecting with an audience, and Persuasion in that you are describing the methods in which to evoke a certain response within the audience. Aristotle did a large study on this and in summary there are 3 key ingredients that he holds highly in effective speech: Logos (Being an informed/intelligent speaker), Pathos (Speaking of something that applies to the audiences emotions), and Ethos(Logical reasoning and progression throughout the speech). It’s worth studying, and if you plan on doing public speaking, this may serve you well. /smile

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