Characters: 19/20
Plot: 20/20
Originality: 20/20 (A worthy epitome of ultimate creativity)
Writing: 19/20
Recommendation: 19/20
Overall: 97/100 or A
Source: Library
Summary: In the sixth book of the Magykal series, Alther Mella has been Banished, a Darke Domaine engulfs the Castle, and a Darke Dragon is on the loose. Septimus must use all of his skills to save the Wizard Tower from destruction: He must enter the Darke. But he cannot do this alone. With the help of Jenna, Alther Mella, Marcellus Pye, and his estranged brother, Simon Heap, Septimus and Marcia Overstrand, the ExtraOrdinary Wizard, battle the spreading Darkenesse. Will Septimus succeed in protecting his Magykal world?
Review: The latest book of the Septimus Heap series is simply phenomenal. Angie Sage has expressed her top-notch literary powers once again and has surely appealed to many readers in the world. I loved reading Darke and found it definitely not lacking. Warning: Adrenaline rushes may be frequent while devouring this book as I did. The sheer indulging glee I experienced while feasting upon this work was unbelievable. 😉
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