Interview with Myosen Marcia Olsen
It has recently been my pleasure to make the acquaintance of Myosen Marcia Olsen, a Zen Buddhist Priest and author of Experiencing God Through Zen Insight. Through this intriguing book, Myosen endeavors to shed light on the often misunderstood practices of Zen Buddhism. Through her own personal experiences and realizations, the author appeals to readers on…
Interview with L.M. Aldrich
Author: L.M. AldrichPublished works: Legends of the Light Bearer: The story left untold I would like to express my gratitude toward L.M. Aldrich for this enlightening interview. I am honored to have met her and been able to support her publication of Legends. Indeed, our acquaintanceship has evolved into a friendship, spurred mainly by our…
Author Interview: J.D. Thompson
Today, I’m excited to host my first ever interview with J.D. Thompson, author of Silver and Stone. J.D. has kindly offered to answer a few questions for me, of which I thought to share with my readers. I was more than happy to review her first book, and even ecstatic when she mentioned the possibility…