Productive Disagreements
I recently had the pleasure of viewing a presentation (which I’ve shared below) called “Productive Disagreements: How to Have Civil Conversations,” lead by Dr. Terri Easley-Giraldo. Hosted by Janette Jasperson of the International Education Office at JCCC, this event provides a relevant discourse on the current polarized nature of our society, and discusses a way…
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Dark Night of the Soul
What follows is something I should have addressed long ago. A personal foray into the topic of mental illness is something I have refrained from discussing, partly due to my own confusion and uncertainty on the subject. However, I feel as if I have finally reached a point where my thoughts on the matter might…
A Newfound Compassion
As I look out upon the world, I am overcome by the strife that plagues humanity. I bear witness to the repeated acts of selfishness that are rooted in fundamental failures of communication. I see how our fallen species has lost its understanding of the most important universal truths. I gaze into the hearts of…
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A Journal Entry
I’ve decided to embark on a sort of experimental journey. Too often than not, my writing is hindered by an obsession for quality and unattainable perfection. This does nothing but keep me from publishing as much as I should, and it ingrains my practice with an overall sense of dissatisfaction. I need this to change…
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