“luxorator” = light speaker.
My name is Ty Crisp. I consider myself a writer, a thinker, and foremost a seeker.
At heart, I am an explorer of the realms of consciousness, careening through the universe on a grand adventure. I inhale coffee and devour books to fuel my perpetual inquiry of the mystical mysteries. Simply put, this website is a record of my search for greater insight and understanding. 🧙♂️

My Journey
As a human, I was born in this world to learn and grow. I was born to rectify my past mistakes and realize a greater reality. This transcendence is partly an acquirement of insight and understanding, which we all gain through wisdom taught by others. But more importantly, it’s derived from our personal hero’s journey to overcome our fears and to help others do the same.
I strive to be a seeker of the great teachers of wisdom, and those that may not necessarily be enlightened bodhisattvas or grand philosophers, but the ones who happen to be in my life at the right moment to impart a crucial lesson. As is often said, everyone is a teacher, and everyone is a learner. I use my writing as a declaration of my inspiration and an homage to those it’s received from.
There is a greater reality beyond our level of perception. We are immersed in its infinite depths, yet blind to its very existence. By becoming attuned to the foundations of our consciousness, we can witness the doorstep of this reality. Our eyes, ears, and other senses only percieve a minuscule portion of the great totality of existence. This hindrance, without spiritual understanding and discipline, leads to a cycle of fear and suffering. We all endure within a cyclic prison of causes and effects, referred to as Samsara in Buddhist teachings.
Unlike the true, greater nature of reality, Samsara is subject to the same impermanence as our physical world. The endless cycle of birth, death, and rebirth is dictated by the causal nature of one’s karma. Only through greater understanding, becoming aware of our fears, and honing control over our thoughts can we break the cycle, end our personal suffering, and become the truly free-willed, luminous souls we are capable of being. This is the journey I have embarked upon.
Book Reviews
Besides recording my own musings and inquiries on the site, I sometimes review books. Not all works capture my attention, but if they do, I like to pay homage to the inspiration I received. Integrity is a virtue, and so I will only ever discuss and publish my sincere thoughts. If you are an author, publisher or any writer who is interested in having me review your book, I would be honored to hear from you. I usually read the following genres:
- Spirituality/Philosophy
- Psychology
- Occult
- Poetry
- Science Fiction/Fantasy
- Esoteric Fiction
- Horror
I make an attempt to promptly review a book after finishing it, unless I have a predetermined review date (which hasn’t happened yet). Sometimes, if I’ve had an exceptional affinity with a certain work, I will write an extended review. You can expect more in-depth analysis and personal musings in this situation. I will gladly accept review requests for any book, but preferably one of the genres listed above. I would be happy to welcome guest reviewers or guest review myself on other blogs.
If you are an author/writer and would like to do an interview, it would be my pleasure. Contact me with your name, request, and any other information you think I might need. I interview through email, as it is simpler for everyone.

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