Heroic Humanity
Looking at humanity from a detached point of view can be enlightening, yet quite frankly, confusing. At first glance, we seem to be a selfish and fairly materialistic folk. Consider our vain treatment of appearance and the standards of society we deem so important to adhere to. How about our ineptitude in liking someone for…
The (Un) Discovered Country
There was once a Mother and her many children. Together, they lived and coexisted in a large and frightening world. In the beginning, there was only love and appreciation in their relationship. The Mother provided for her children by growing crops and raising animals. In turn, the children were charged with harvesting the crops, domesticating…
The Greater Man
A cascade of leaves erratically flies in a gust of wind. Competing forces pull to and fro, sending them in wayward directions. Unplanned, spontaneous, and totally free. Traveling somewhere we can never guess, they present a paradigm of life. In essence, we are all merely leaves, being carried throughout existence by an unseen and greater…
True Life
A muse has bestowed upon me the gift of an insight and after much pondering I am ready to write about it. 😉 I haven’t posted anything philosophical or spiritual for a while as most of my recent musings have been more of the internal, reflective type. That still really isn’t much of an…
The Shack by William P. Young
This post is from my former blog, but because of the enormous amount of inspiration I weaved into my writing, I found the need to repost it here. I hope you enjoy it! Here I am, sitting in front of the computer, wondering how to begin. Should I be terribly forthright about what I am…
Blogging in Spirit: Discovering Inner Truth
Sharing personal thoughts can be a daunting experience. A common hindrance that many people have to contend with is fear. Fear of judgment, humility, and exposure of someone’s true self are all road blocks in the process of sharing an in-depth musing. The supression of inspiration and creativity is often derived from these fears and…